Dusting Off My Running Shoes

Until this past week, I have really been slacking on my running. It seems I am always saying that. I have a half marathon I need to train for, and there has been more sitting on the couch going on than anything. In Digital Photography this past Monday, we had to bring in a favorite photo and explain what we liked about it. I took in a picture of my dad and me after our first race. All the questions and comments from my teacher and classmates surprised me. They asked if I still ran, and I said I did; I also had several races coming up this year.

first 10k race

First race for dad and me!
USAF 10k 2010

After I got home, I thought about what I had said in class and I felt kind of like a liar. I had not been running; I had not run in about a month and a half. I decided I needed to be the person I talked about in class. I ran four and a half miles on the treadmill on Tuesday. On Thursday I walked one mile with a coworker during lunch, then ran two miles after work. Today I ran a little over three miles; I was planning to run farther, but it started to sprinkle and I wussed out.
So now I have to keep it up and ramp it up since my first half is in two months, even though the race widget says one month. What?
To be continued…

4 thoughts on “Dusting Off My Running Shoes

  1. Ugh, ever since I ran that 5K on Thanksgiving (waaaay back) I haven’t done a lot of running since. You’re inspiring me. Maybe I should give it another go!

    • aw! that makes me feel motivated to run more. i hope you give it another chance, though i know running is not for everyone. good luck! i’ll be cheering you on.

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